March 2023

Lessons Learned from Managing a Marketing Team

As I’m getting ready to graduate in a few short days, I want to reflect on my experience managing a marketing team these past few months in my Applied Integrated Marketing Communications class. Having been part of countless group projects, I knew that communication would be extremely important when it came to success, and I knew that it was going to be my job to provide my team with the motivation and encouragement to do so. Throughout the past few months, I learned just how important communication, initiative, and pull strategy is in leading a team to run a marketing campaign. The success of a marketing campaign is not only dependent on the strategy or tactics used but also on how effectively your team communicates and collaborates. The agile methodology allowed for my team and I to accomplish a lot in very little time through collaborating, communicating, and adapting effectively and efficiently.


Finding My Brand Elements

How I Created My Explainer Video 

Last Fall for my integrated marketing communications course at Western Washington University, I started developing my personal professional brand, complete with a creative brief, brand elements, and this website! One of the very first things I worked on was my brand elements, as I was excited to find an aesthetic identity for my brand! 

Brand Colors 

Image removed.

Figuring out the colors that I wanted associated with my brand was tricky. Why? Because I like a lot of colors! But the idea wasn’t to make my brand colors my favorite colors, but to make them colors that fit with who I am and what feeling I want conveyed. 


Lessons Learned as a Product Manager

Over the past 3 months, I have been a Product Manager in my Applied Integrated Marketing Communications (AIMC) class. For those of you who don’t know what the IMC is, it’s a class where students (Content Creator) learn how to create consistent marketing campaigns/messages across business communication channels. This is learned through building a Creative Strategy for a brand. In IMC, content creators create a Creative Strategy for the WWU Marketing Program and their brand. Having gone through IMC, in Applied IMC I got the opportunity to manage a team of four content creators. I lead them in creating four products and four marketing campaigns for the WWU Marketing Program. Today I am going to walk through a review and retrospective for those campaigns.


Getting to know you

An explainer video is an important component of your professional brand portfolio. This allows the customer and viewer to know just what it is that you offer and the value you can provide. The explainer video is a great place to share your values, your purpose, and showcase your past work and experience. Whether it be a live-action video of you talking to the camera or a "whiteboard" video you create containing just text and graphics, an explainer video offers a more personal component of your website, so site visitors feel like they know you on a more personal level.
