Transfer Students
Transfer Students
Transfer students interested in Western's College of Business and Economics (CBE) can complete some or all of the business foundation course equivalents prior to coming to Western. Transfer equivalency information is listed below.
Completion of foundation courses is not required for admission to CBE. Transfer students who have confirmed admission to Western and meet other CBE requirements may declare their pre-major or major prior to registering for their first quarter. Declaring allows transfer students access to pre-major/major restricted courses for which they would otherwise not be able to enroll.
Please see the Get Started page for more information about foundation and core courses and how to declare a pre-major or major.
Important Tip
In order to declare a pre-major or major in CBE you will need to provide current unofficial, electronic copies of all college transcripts if Western does not have the most recent versions. Please save copies of your final transcripts in electronic format.
Transfer Equivalency
Western's Admissions Office maintains a list of Washington State Community College and University transfer equivalencies for foundation courses. You do not need to complete a transfer equivalency request if the course is already on the approved list. See if your course transfers to Western.
If you would like business courses you have completed at accredited institutions outside Washington State reviewed by the College of Business and Economics transfer committee to determine equivalency for use in your major, you will need to follow the process described below. Please note that this process is additional to the transfer evaluation that the Admissions Office performs when you enter the University and should only be requested if a course or courses you think will count toward your major are not listed as equivalents in your transfer equivalency report.
Transfer Equivalency Process
- Fill out a CBE Transfer Equivalency Request form in its entirety, including the list of courses you would like to use toward your Business degree and what you feel they are equal to at Western Washington University (see online course catalog).
- Collect and attach a syllabus and course description for each business class you would like to have reviewed for equivalency.
- The odds of getting a class approved are better with the syllabus from the course.
- If you only have a course description, please submit the name and author of the text used for the class with the description.
- If the syllabus does not include a list of the topics and chapters covered in the course you must provide a separate list.
- Attach an unofficial copy of your transcript from your transfer institution unless Western already has the most recent version.
- You will be notified, via e-mail, of the faculty decision regarding your transfer classes. Please note that this process can take up to one month so be sure to plan ahead.
- If you are seeking course approval prior to taking the course, you must receive a C- or better in the course and, upon completion, submit an unofficial final transcript in order to use the course toward your degree.