Center for Operations Research and Management Science
What We Do
The Center provides a platform for research-oriented outreach activities including the following:
- Publishing a working paper series
- Conducting a research seminar series
- Creating new research opportunities for senior undergraduate and graduate students to get involved in faculty-guided applied research projects
- Conducting international symposiums, mini-conferences, or workshops on Operations Research/Management Science
Promoting International Collaboration
The Center for Operations Research and Management Science (CORMS) promotes international collaboration and networking to support OR and MS research.
The associates of CORMS are a group of researchers who conduct world-class research in MS/OR/OM/MIS and have published widely in high quality peer-refereed journals such as:
- Management Sciences
- Operations Research
- Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
- Productions and Operations Management
- Journal of Operations Management, MIS Quarterly
- Communications of ACM
- Journal of Management Information Systems