Recent Publications
CORMS works diligently to produce thoughtful research for many innovative publications.
Sheu, S. Y., Z.G. Zhang, A Note on Optimal Age Replacement Policy for Multi-State Systems, under Forthcoming IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
Z.G. Zhang, Ilhyung Kim, Mark Springer, G. Cai, Y. Yu Dynamic Pooling of Make-to-Stock and Make-to-Order Operations, Forthcoming International Journal of Production Economics.
Bai, J., Z.G. Zhang, Z. Li. Lifetime Properties of A Cumulative Shock Model with Cluster Structure, Forthcoming on Annals of Operations Research
Pengfei Guo and Z.G. Zhang. Strategic Queueing Behavior and Its Impact on System Performance in Service Systems with the Congestion-Based Staffing Policy. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 15, No. 1, 18–131 (2013).
Z.G. Zhang, H.P. Luh, C. Wang Modeling security-check queues. Management Science vol. 57 no. 11 1979-1995 (2011).