Center for Innovation in Education
The CIE is committed to enabling and enhancing creativity and innovation in education and fostering engagement through partnerships among the business community, students and faculty to drive long term career and life success.
This partnership is fostered through a variety of programs and events including on-campus speakers, mentorships as well as teaching awards.
Please note that due to COVID and the necessity of using online modality, many of our regular activities have been cancelled. We encourage you to continue to support the CIE and participate in future events.
Note: Thank you for your patience as we rework this center. When a new Associate Dean is appointed, they will take over as the CIE Director.
Western Business Summit
This event provides an opportunity for the CBE faculty, business community, and students to gather, network and recognize accomplished faculty & students. The event is now organized by CBE Dean's office. Please contact CBE Dean's office for additional information.
Leadership Lunches
Luncheons at business firms bring leaders in industry and other organizations together with selected CBE student leaders.
Speaker Series
These events bring Senior executives to campus to speak on a variety of business topics including Strategy and Ethics.
Virtual Mentor
CIE supports virtual mentorship programs. In virtual mentoring, a businessperson who is a friend or alumni of Western interacts with one to three students in the context of a course and course assignments via the internet.
Professional Readiness
CIE supports Professional Readiness seminars that help students improve networking and interview skills, as well as planning for future careers and opportunities.