Finance and Marketing
Two Different Disciplines With a Common Goal
Finance and Marketing are two of several focuses in the Business Administration major. These two distinct concentrations make up the Department of Finance and Marketing in Western's College of Business and Economics. While our department is home to two academic disciplines, each with its own faculty, we share the goal of providing a rigorous educational experience for our students that we hope will serve them well as professionals in many types of organizations or while pursuing further education in the field.

Our Missions
The finance faculty provides education in finance to develop students' abilities to lead, manage, and positively contribute to firms and other organizations. We originate research and serve our college, university, and society at large with professional expertise.
The marketing faculty provides education in marketing by enabling undergraduates and MBAs to become critical thinkers and gain the ability to manage firms and organizations in the public interest and in a global context. We originate research and serve our college, university, and society at large with professional expertise.
Meet Our Faculty
Each of the professors who make up the faculty of the Department of Finance and Marketing brings unique and valuable training and expertise to the classroom. They are people who dedicate themselves to equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills to be effective in the ever-changing worlds of marketing and finance. Meet our faculty!
Contact Us
Physical Location: Parks Hall 415, 4th Floor
WWU Mailstop: MS 9073
Dr. Ed Love
Department Chair
Sherri Nelson
Interim Department Manager