Watermark Faculty Success

Logging into Watermark Faculty Success

Formerly Digital Measures

Log into Watermark here!

Then login with your WWU username and password.

Watermark Faculty Success

Our faculty information system, through Watermark is called Faculty Success. It organizes and builds reports on teaching, research, and service activities. This system is designed to be easy to navigate and quick to learn. 


  • Tracks and organizes activity information just once
  • Builds reports on teaching, research and service activities
  • Prepares CVs and annual activity reports

Tips for Success

Faculty Success Guide - To help you get started, here is a quick overview of the utilities you will work with most often. Learn how to update your CV, add or update teaching, service, and publication activities. Import publication citation information.

Faculty/Staff Guides - Here you can find information on Faculty Success features, CV Imports, formatted reports, and FAQ's.

CV Imports - This is typically only for new users. For further details on how to upload your CV into the system.

Use the Help Center - If at any time you have a question or concern please use the Help Center. A member of the Watermark Support Team will respond quickly to address your question. You can submit a ticket at the top of the Help Center linked page above or use the chat on the bottom of that same page.

Watermark Support

Please contact Fysah Sands sandse@wwu.edu for additional support.