Marketing Waves Vol.4

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In this edition, you'll find a new Marketing Waves Wordle, an Alumni Spotlight featuring Makenna Schumacher, opportunities to re-engage with the program, and new job opportunities in the marketing industry!

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Welcome to Marketing Waves Wordle, where the team has washed ashore a tantalizing puzzle for you to solve! Let's see if you can ride the waves of insight to uncover the mystery word.

Hint: Specialized segment of the market

Good Luck & Thanks for Playing!

Marketing Waves Wordle


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Meet Makenna Schumacher!

Makenna Schumacher graduated with her Bachelor's Degree in Marketing in 2018 and her Master's Degree in Business Administration in 2019 from WWU. She currently works as a Senior Media Services Manager for New Engen, Inc, managing 20 people across 13 different clients at the digital advertising agency. Makenna loves anything that is creative driven. She has always loved to paint and draw and she even sells her art on occasion.

We talked to Makenna about her experiences re-connecting with the marketing program since graduation, this is what she had to say...

How have you re-engaged with the marketing program as an alumni in the past?

"I have engaged with the program quite a lot over the past few years. I have spoken in Mark's DigiMark class, wrote the case and acted as a judge for the SMA Case Competition, acted as a panelist at the Winter Career Launch in 2023 and I recently joined the Advisory Board for the Marketing Program! All of these experiences have been excellent because I have been able to provide insight to students and professors on the changing industry in real time and I have loved watching students grow."

What advice would you give other marketing alumni who are also seeking to re-engage with the marketing program?

"Try to stay connected with students via LinkedIn and their group social media accounts (i.e., SMAAKPsi, etc.). If you are wanting to jump right in, reach out to Cat and Ed as they are fantastic about looping interested parties into conversations for events and panels. Your easiest opportunity to get involved is through the SMA Case Competition as it is only a one-day event but also look out for opportunities to speak in classes or guest appear in an SMA or other-business-club-related event."

Connect with Makenna on LinkedIn!

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Daniel Purdy

Welcome back and join us for another tea with Dan as we spill the tea about effective creative message strategy methods.

What is your favorite Superbowl advertisement?

"It's hard to say that I have a favorite, but I have a recent favorite because I've been studying it. It's a good commercial from the 2018 Super Bowl, and it's Lindsey Vonn for the winter Olympics."

The main message strategy of this commercial which Dan loves and advocates immensely is the bittersweet feeling which the commercial provides to the viewer. That bittersweet emotion is immensely powerful when trying to achieve liking of a brand/product, in this case the winter Olympics of 2018.

"This video just gives me chills when I think of the inspiration of it. Those kinds of ads tend to resonate a lot with the audience, and I think that's a classic Superbowl ad. To get something that really resonates with people you need to think about the bittersweet emotion around your brand/product."

What makes bittersweet work so well?

"When you think about the bitter it's adversity right? It's sadness, struggles, and misfortune. Then you have the sweet which is victory, laughter, or happiness, and so great stories tend to have both. Those moments of bitterness make the sweetness worth it."

Bittersweet can be a powerful message strategy. Those moments of inspiration can be a powerful tool when communicating the benefits of your product or brand.

Want to talk more about emerging trends and topics in marketing?

Reach Out to Dan!

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Want to talk to the DigiMark class?

Remember the Digital Marketing course with Mark Staton? Recall how he brought in captivating guest speakers for every class?

If you've ever thought about being one of those guest speakers to share insights from your own professional experience, reach out to Mark Staton and express your interest in participating in a Digital Marketing class as a guest speaker!

Connect with Mark!

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Enjoyed This? Here Are A Few Similar Items

With great pleasure, the Integrated Marketing Communications Winter 2024 class is actively working in five additional teams to produce content for the department on various media. Check out and explore the other IMC's material! 

The Viking Network: Blog
Advisor CAB: Student Newsletter
Viking Vision: Middle Ground - YouTube Video
MICE (Marketing, Integrate, Communicate, Elevate): Instagram Reel
CAMERA (Community and Marketing: Engagement, Resources, Advocacy) - Youtube Video


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