Advisor Cab Vol.1

"Inspiring Innovative Marketers", "Western Washington University Marketing Program, "Advisor CAB", " Connect, Achieve, Belong"

 Welcome to Advisor CAB, the place to connect, achieve, and belong!  Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. Our goal is to shine a light on WWU's incredible marketing advisors and highlight what you may not know they can help you with. We hope that this will help students in the major and those looking to join the program to connect with their advisors and their marketing peers. Hear excerpts from professors and testimonials from students and alumni as they discuss how their advisors helped them to navigate the marketing program!

Connect with your advisor! Achieve your goals. Find your place in the Marketing Program.


Cat Armstrong Soule Office Location: PH403 Email:

Cat has been teaching marketing classes for almost 10 years at Western Washington University. From teaching numerous classes such as People and Money, Consumer Behavior, and an Internship in Marketing, she favors the more holistic and psychological approach to understanding and teaching marketing concepts. In her classes or throughout her research, you will greatly understand the importance of a marketer and the power they hold regarding consumers. She believes that a product or service should aim to be no less than great and ethically grant the consumer value. Outside of school, Cat loves collecting vinyl, attending shows, snowboarding, and spending time coaching her kids in soccer. She adores meeting with all marketing students and is more than happy to answer any questions you may have!  


Cat Armstrong Soule

What challenges do students commonly face, and how does she help them overcome these challenges?: 

Cat believes the program is hard to navigate. With mandatory classes that are only offered certain quarters to understanding which classes to pair with others, she can help students craft their perfect schedule. She understands that students have very heavy workloads on top of a job or other necessary tasks and assists students in distributing their classwork and priorities effectively. Even if you have a set class schedule you are content with, it can’t hurt to run it by her! 


What is Cat best known for as an advisor? 

Cat is known for aiding students in finding and locking in internships. She often stresses the importance of obtaining them before graduating college. Aside from the beneficial real-world experience and more relevant job, you can also get school credit for them. As of now, she has a mailing list for those who have declared a marketing major or are in the pre-major. This list contains many local or remote internship opportunities that she supports and believes would help any marketer and their future career. If you ever have any questions about where to find them, how to interview, or if select ones are available for school credit, feel free to schedule a meeting! 

What important resources does Cat think are underutilized? 

Within the marketing program, Cat believes that attending SMA helps students connect in a very comfortable environment. Learn about everything marketing, when events are happening, what networking nights are, and in a fun environment surrounded by your peers. She also stresses the importance of meeting with your advisor. Oftentimes, students believe that they only need to meet with them if they have scheduling questions. However, they can and want to help you in more ways than you can count. Truly connecting with your assigned advisor or another one is a fantastic early decision a student can make in their college career. If you are more comfortable with another advisor, it is okay to switch to them! Have any questions you aren’t sure an advisor can help you with? Send Cat an email


WWU Students



“I was planning to study abroad last quarter and Cat helped me with the logistics... The whole thing felt overwhelming but she helped me a lot to calm those nerves."

“Cat has been a great advisor, helping me in a variety of ways. She has not only helped me lay out my course plan but provided me with many internship opportunities and helped with revising my resume and cover letter. She is very understanding and cares about the success of not just me but all her students.”




“I definitely viewed her as more of a support system as opposed to simply an advisor or staff member. It made her feel more personable and working for my benefit than a connection with advisors or professors who make little to no effort to reach out or support their students.” 

Connect with your advisor! Achieve your goals. Find your place in the Marketing Program.

WWU Alumni

Alana Sundahl

Instructional Designer - Alaska Airlines

Alana Sundahl headshot

“Cat was a really great resource for me. Advisors will help you decide what classes to take by asking questions surrounding interests and goals after college. They can provide insight on how to structure courses so you don’t overload yourself. In my own experience, I felt more calm after meeting with an advisor.”

Brady Rohrs

Sea Squad Promotions -Seattle Kraken

Brady Rohrs headshot

"When meeting with Cat early on, she was able to help me set out a detailed schedule of when to take my required classes and suggesting specific electives for my journey."



SMA guest speaker Bonnie Perez


Network Nights

Every other Wednesday at 7:30pm

Network Nights contribute to our vibrant community of marketers.

They serve as a great opportunity to connect with fellow marketing students as well as professors and alumni. These generally take place at various eateries and breweries downtown, with the most recent one at Flatstick Pub.


Students presenting during 2023 Case Competition

SMA in PH 244

Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30pm 

SMA aims to enhance members' knowledge of marketing, educate them on its various aspects and trends, and foster connections with industry professionals. 

Activities include a range of events such as speakers, networking, community engagement, fundraising events, and hands-on projects for educational experiences.


Group of students gathered around a table at Flatstick Pub



Case Competition

February 24th, 2024

The annual Marketing Case Competition, organized by the Student Marketing Association (SMA), invites students to devise solutions to real-world marketing challenges outlined in a case study. 

This event fosters creativity, strategic thinking, and networking opportunities among students, faculty, and industry professionals.

Connect, belong, achieve

Thank you for taking the time to engage in our newsletter. We hope this information has provided valuable insights into WWU's Marketing Program and the support available through Advisor CAB.

To students, we encourage you to take advantage of this resource by scheduling a meeting with your advisor. They are here to guide you, offer support, and help you navigate your academic and professional journey.

Connect with the Advisor CAB team!

Cailin Thompson

Brett Budos

Nate Hughes

Lisha Martin

Ramya Rajasekhar