What to do After graduation if You are Not Ready to Get a Full Time Job?

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Due to Covid19 something that everyone in the world right now is facing is uncertainty. Uncertainty in almost every aspect of life whether it be financial, emotional, health, you name it. The idea of stepping out of college and into a full time career during a pandemic is a lot to process. For some, it may not be the right choice. Here are some things you can do out of college that do not involve a full time job.


Getting your MBA! Westerns MBA program emphasizes interdisciplinary, enterprise management. Getting your MBA will help set you apart from other applicants in the job pool while also giving you meaningful skills that will help you navigate the workforce. Western is also aware that after graduation, schedules can be crazy and to account for that classes are offered in the daytime, evening, and even weekends. Furthering your education can really solidify the confidence some students need to hit the work force running.  Western is also aware of the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, and has therefore made a statement on how it will proceed. “Due to the closure of most testing centers during the COVID-19 outbreak, the WWU MBA Program is waiving the GMAT/GRE requirement for applicants applying to our Evening 2020, Daytime 2020, and Weekend 2021 cohorts. For further questions about this please contact Kati Johnson at kati.johnson@wwu.edu.”  Getting an MBA also allows you to statistically make more money in your career. With more knowledge under your belt you can apply and work in more managerial roles which in turn makes more money.


Unfortunately, due to Covid19, traveling does not really mean what it used too. Getting on a flight to Europe is much more difficult and dangerous now as the pandemic sweeps each nation. There are still ways to get out and adventure safely during a pandemic. Renting an RV could be a great way to get outside while continuing to practice social distancing. Traveling around the United States in an RV allows you to experience so many different foods and cultures within each city. Texas is a whole lot different than Washington! Another way to travel is to camp! Many campgrounds are reopening as the US transitions into Phase 2 of reopening and could be a great way to get outside and do something new. If traveling out of your state seems too risky, look up local hiking trails that will allow you to step out while not too far from home. 


Maybe going straight into an office job isn’t for everyone and instead a great way to stay connected is to always network even if you aren’t looking for a job. One of the greatest things that I learned from college is to keep a calendar of all the people you have met through networking with a brief description on how you met and who introduced you. Different ways you can stay in touch is by asking different questions about the industry they work in. Remember special events or birthdays about the person and use that to get to know them better. Keep track of all the times you have interacted and see who they connect with as well. A great resource for networking is the website LinkedIn. If you are someone hoping to slowly transition into the workforce at some point, you should really have a LinkedIn