Senior Sunday: Sydnie LaSalata

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Welcome to the third week of Senior Sunday, an on going series of blogs aimed at celebrating the class of 2020! Due to the unfortunate circumstances of COVID-19, commencement will be held online. This week we are celebrating our outstanding graduate Sydnie LaSalata.

Sydnie LaSalata

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Sydnie LaSalata will be graduating this spring with a major in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. She currently works for Wishes, a toy and hobby store located in Bellingham. Sydnie aspires to become a creative director with branding being the field she’s the most interested in. Marketing’s blend of concepts and creativity are what captivated Sydnie about the discipline, and eased her decision when deciding which major to pursue. Along with that, Dr. Sekhon's Branding class has been her favorite course at Western because of how intriguing and engaging the discussions are. You can find Sydnie studying in her favorite spot, the perch above the sky bridge located in Wilson Library. Sydnie had a very memorable experience taking Dr. Sara Baskentli’s Sustainable Marketing course this past winter, in which Dr. Baskentli instilled an immense amount of confidence in her allowing Sydnie to excel on the final project!

Fun Facts about Sydnie!

  • Recipient of the Marketing Alumni Scholarship
  • First in her immediate family to graduate from a four year university!
  • Loves to walk around and explore Downtown Bellingham

Interested in Sydnie? Send her an email at or connect on LinkedIn
