Eric Wehrly
Associate Professor
Eric Wehrly is an Associate Professor of Finance at WWU. He earned his PhD in Finance and Business Economics at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington. Eric's teaching and research interests include topics in corporate finance, corporate governance, sustainability, environmental economics, international finance and entrepreneurial finance. Publications in the Review of Financial Studies, The Journal of Corporate Finance, The Journal of Financial Research, The International Review of Law and Economics and The Journal of Law and Economics involve topics such as corporate governance indices, takeover defenses, insider trading, and the reputational penalties for environmental violations. Current projects are focused on firms’ uses of takeover defenses, improved decision-making using unbiased cost of capital measures, and other topics in finance and economics. Prof. Wehrly has been recognized through several research and teaching awards, including Western’s university-wide 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award. He has also contributed as a writer or served as a technical editor on several books.
Prior to entering academia, he served as Vice President of Finance of a start-up firm, and as Vice President, Relationship Manager at a national bank managing large corporate clients. While employed as a corporate banker, he earned the Certified Cash Manager distinction, and is a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, a national honor society. He currently serves on the advisory board of a Seattle-based startup and on the finance committee of an environmental education organization, the North Cascades Institute. Eric also enjoys travel, photography, hiking, rock climbing, alpinism, and skiing mountains; his first ascents of alpine rock climbs and first ski descents in the Cascades and Olympic mountains are published in mountaineering journals.