Sabrina Freeman
Dr. Freeman holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford University, an M.A. from the University of British Columbia, and a B.A. from Simon Fraser University. Freeman's areas of interest include small group research in the study of organizations.
Upon receiving a National Science Foundation grant for her research at Stanford, working within the framework of Expectation States Theory, Freeman studied the mechanisms by which double standards act to perpetuate differential pay based upon status characteristics, such as gender and ethnicity. Dr. Freeman teaches Management and Organizational Behavior in the College of Business and Economics.
Dr. Freeman's background in the study of organizations was pivotal when she worked to establish and spearhead a grassroots social movement to advocate on behalf of children with autism, with the goal of inclusion in Canada's single-payer health care system for their core health need -- medically necessary autism treatment. Freeman served as scientific advisor and expert court witness on behalf of children afflicted with the disorder for the landmark disability case, Auton v. Attorney General of British Columbia, which was heard at the Supreme Court of Canada. Dr. Freeman is currently a director of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment.