Future MSCM Students
Interested in MSCM?
- Attend one of the quarterly “MSCM INFO” Sessions
- Commit to attending ASCM meetings weekly if you are considering the degree.
- Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.8 in the foundation courses taken to date to apply for “pre-major” status.
- 3.0 minimum GPA requirement in foundation coursework to become a full major
- Priority foundation courses are ACCT 240, ACCT 245, DSCI 205 (pre-requisites for OPS 360 which is required prior to taking your 1st internship)
Contact Info
Ann Renee "A.R." Mann
MSCM Program Manager
Department of Decision Sciences
College of Business & Economics
Parks Hall 206A, MS 9077
516 High Street
Bellingham, WA 98225