Admission Information

***UPDATE for Academic Year 2024-2025***

Additional application requirement for the Business Analytics Minor has been suspended for Academic Year 2024--2025. Students will continue to be admitted to the minor once per quarter following the CBE Priority Deadline.  

Application Deadlines

To be considered for admission to the minor applications must be submitted by the quarterly application deadline


Before applying for the Business Analytics Minor you must meet several criteria including:

  • Accepted as a major in the College of Business and Economics 
  • In good academic standing as defined by the retention standards for the College of Business and Economics
  • Completion and/or enrollment in 2 of the 3 pre-requisite courses:
    • DSCI 305/ECON 375
    • MIS 320/ACCT 321
    • OPS 360

Application Process

  • Apply to the minor by clicking on the link below
  • After the application deadline for the quarter in which you apply, you will be contacted via your Western email and asked to complete an additional application which includes a proposed plan of study

Apply to the College of Business and Economics

Admission Criteria 

A Decision Sciences faculty admission committee will review all applications submitted by the deadline. Admission is based on:

  • Space available in the minor
  • Past academic performance
    • Western GPA is the primary factor considered but other factors may include:
      • Performance in business courses taken at Western
      • Trends in academic performance
      • Performance in courses taken at other institutions as listed on the Transfer Equivalency Report
  • Admission priority will be given to students with the best academic performance relative to the rest of the applicant pool.
  • Academic performance will be the primary decision factor, but other factors may be considered (e.g., rationale for pursuing field of study, related work experience, student leadership, etc.).

Admission Notification 

The department will notify students of their admission status by Western email prior to the first day of registration for the next quarter. For example, if you apply for spring quarter admission, you will be notified of your admission status prior to the start of spring quarter registration.