Economics Minor
Because Critical Thinking Is a Prerequisite for Life
An economics minor allows students to sample the economics field while still focusing on their major. An economics minor greatly compliments the skills developed in almost all business disciplines and allows non-economics majors to broaden their education at Western.

Why Minor in Economics?
While economics may not be your main field of study, the principles of economics are useful in many career paths.
Critical thinking is important regardless of the direction you choose. Economics is the study of the wise allocation of scarce resources so that we may gain an understanding of the benefits and costs to society resulting from such choices.
Critical thinking skills are a key to understanding this wise allocation of scarce resources and will help you immensely as a person, citizen and professional.
Economics Minor Curriculum
To receive a minor in economics you must take 24 credits of economics courses with a grade of C- or better. Two courses are required, ECON 206 (4 credits) & ECON 207 ( 4 credits), you are free to choose the remaining 16 credits.
Minor Courses
The two required courses give you the fundamentals of economic theory which will help you succeed in the elective courses. If you are a business major you already take ECON 206 & ECON 207 as part of the foundation for most business major areas.
The additional 16 credits of elective courses can include any remaining economics courses except ECON 446 and ECON 447, since these two courses are designed for students entering the teaching profession.
For evaluation purposes, please email with a list of any courses not showing in degree works to complete your minor.