Economics Links
These links give a sampling of information both about economics and for economists:
- Western Library
- Western's Center for Economic and Business Research
- The Top 100 Economics Blogs of 2020
- The 25 Best Economics Podcasts Of 2019
- NetEc provides links to a wide range of resources in economics
- Economics Departments, Institutes, and Research Centers (EDIRC) hosted by the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Resources for Economists on the Internet, compiled by Bill Goffe, University of Southern Mississippi
- The University of California's Econometrics Laboratory
- Levy Economics Institute Economics Working Paper Archive
- The FedWorld.Gov, a searchable index of links and information about the federal government.
- The University of California's GPO Gate provides access to U.S. Government documents.
- The Journal of Economic Education is available on-line.
- The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Additional information can be found at the Nobel Foundation.
- The Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference home page.
- Find data about the U.S., such as maps and population, demographic, and economic data.
- The "About Economics" Page
- The Economic Report of the President (written by the President's Council of Economic Advisers).
- Article "Which College Majors Benefit Most and Least from Law School?"