Course Materials
This page provides educators with a variety of resources shared with educators at our various workshop and conference presentations. The lessons contained in the material packets are correlated to the common core standards in mathematics and language arts. Links to the correlations are provided in each materials packet. All lessons have been classroom tested, so teachers can use them with confidence in their classrooms.
Course Materials
Elementary Novice Materials:
Choices and Opportunity Cost K-5 PowerPoint
Consumer Decision Making ES PowerPoint
Decision Making K-5 PowerPoint
Earning An Income ES PowerPoint
ES Advertising 2019 PowerPoint
Materials Overview FFFL K-5 2019 PowerPoint
Millionaire Game 2019 PowerPoint
FEPPP Middle and High School Novice Training:
Novice Training 6-12 June 29, 2022
FEPPP Middle and High School Novice Training PowerPoint
Financial Education Materials 2019
Math and Personal Finance 9-12:
FEPPP - College 411 Christy Johnson 022721.pptx
FEPPP - Lisa Williksen Transportation Choices (1).pptx
FEPPP Saving & Budgeting.2.27.21 (2).pptx
Resources used Math and Personal Finance 9-12.docx
Which is the better buy from economic way of thinking teacher.pdf
which is the better buy student.pdf
What is it Worth to be in Class.docx
What is it Worth to be in Class key.docx
6th - 8th Grade Financial Math:
FEPPP de Grouchy Integrating Personal Finance and Math.pdf
Junior Achievement Presentation 2021.pptx
Real World Math 6-8 Pam Whalley.pptx
Resources used Math and Personal Finance 9-12.docx
Welcome Real World - Short Presentation Tim Rhoades.pptx
What is it Worth to be in Class.docx
What is it Worth to be in Class key.docx
Which is the better buy from economic way of thinking teacher.pdf