Bellingham Symposium on Modeling and Data Analytics 2023
Sponsored by the Center of Operations Research and Management Sciences at Western Washington University
The third Bellingham Symposium on Modeling and Data Analytics (BSOMADA 2023) sponsored by the Center for Operations Research and Management Science (CORMS) at WWU will be held on Sept 2, 2023 (Sept 3, 2023, Asia-Pacific time) from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm. The symposium will cover recent developments in quantitative modeling and data analytics. This year's symposium is virtual (via ZOOM) again and there is no registration fee. The symposium will feature four invited talks by researchers in the areas of quantitative modeling, data analytics, and management information system.
Symposium Information
Symposium Registration: Register here
Please contact Dr. George Zhang at with any questions.
Speaker Bio's

Christopher Califf
Christopher B. Califf is an associate professor of information systems (IS) in the Department of Decision Sciences at Western Washington University. Chris's research covers a variety of topics on the interplay between technology and human behavior. His research has been published in outlets such as MIS Quarterly, Information & Organization, MIS Quarterly Executive, Journal of Information Technology, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems (forthcoming), AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, Computers & Education, and the London School of Economics (LSE) Business Review, among others, and in conference proceedings including the International Conference on Information Systems, Americas Conference on Information Systems, and Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Chris serves as a co-chair or associate editor for several IS conference tracks and regularly reviews for many IS journals.

Haitao Li
Haitao Li is Professor and Chair of the Supply Chain & Analytics Department, and Founding Director of Laboratory of Advanced Supply Chain Analytics (LASCA) at University of Missouri – St Louis (UMSL). He holds his Ph.D. degree in Operations Management (2005), Master of Arts in Economics (2002) from University of Mississippi, and Bachelor of Engineering in Foreign Trade in Industry with a minor in Aeronautical Engineering from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, P.R. China (2000). Dr. Li’s research interests focus on optimization modeling, algorithm design, and their applications in the broad domain of supply chains, including supply chain network design, supply chain configuration, research allocation, project scheduling and vehicle routing. His projects have been sponsored by the US Army Research Office, Department of Transportation, and National Science Foundation, as well as companies and organizations in the private sector including HP Labs, Express Scripts Inc., Ameren Corp., and Association of Supply Chain Management (ASCM). Dr. Li was a recipient of the Douglas Durand Award for Research Excellence of UMSL in 2015. With two U.S. Patent applications and a number of invention disclosures, he was named 2015 UMSL Inventor of The Year. Dr. Li currently serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of the Operational Research Society and Transportation Journal, and Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Project Management.

Hao Huang
HAO HUANG is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Yuan Ze University. His Ph.D. degree is from the University of Washington in Industrial and Systems Engineering. His research interests include simulation optimization, simulation modeling, data analysis, and applications in Manufacturing and Healthcare Management. His email address is and his website is

Peijun Guo
Dr. Peijun Guo is Professor of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration, Yokohama National University, Japan. He received the BE, ME and PhD in 1990, 1993 and 1996, respectively, all from Dalian University of Technology and the PhD in 2000 from Osaka Prefecture University majoring in industrial engineering supported by the Japanese government scholarship. His research interests involve operation research and management science, mainly in decision analysis under uncertainty. He proposes Focus Theory of Choice which models and axiomatizes a decision-making procedure under risk and uncertainty. Based on the focus theory of choice, he proposes dynamic focus programming for sequential decision problems under uncertainty and the focus programming for static stochastic optimization problems (with Xide Zhu). Prof. Guo is an Associate Editor of Information Sciences and the Editorial Board Members of several International Journals.