Microsoft Software for DSCI Courses


Students registered in a Decision Sciences course (i.e., a course with prefix DSCI, MIS, or OPS) are eligible to download free Microsoft software offered through the “Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching” program.

You will have access to download software while you are enrolled in a Decisions Sciences course. Your access will end at the end of the quarter.

How to Download Software

  1. Select the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching link.
  2. Select Sign In.
  3. Enter your WWU email and universal password when prompted.
  4. Complete the student verification steps if prompted.
  5. Select the Software tab.
  6. Select the Software you want to download.
  7. If there is a View Key button, select the button then select the Copy to clipboard button to copy the product key. 

    An arrow pointing to the View Key button.
    Blurred out Microsoft product key with an arrow pointing to the copy to clipboard button.
  8. Select the Download button.
  9. Install the software.
  10. Launch the software. The first time you launch it, you should see a Sign in to set up Office prompt.

    • If the software does not have a product key, select Sign in and enter your WWU email and universal password when prompted.
    • If the software has a product key, select Enter Product Key, paste the key that you copied in step 7 when prompted, and complete the activation steps.
    Microsoft Office sign-in prompt with an arrow pointing to the Enter Product Key link.

Note: Some files may be downloaded as ISO files. Your software should automatically install once you execute the ISO file, but if you encounter issues, you can use a program called 7-Zip to extract the file. The ISO files link has instructions to do this in the How To Extract An ISO Image section.